Daily Specials
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" Please be advised that before purchasing any online deal call and check availability of appointments in order to avoid any inconvenience."
Proudly Serving Texas Beauty since 2009
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*Today's Special
PDO Threads Smooth (tighten sagging skin) under chin, Jawline, Nasolabial Folds, Between Eyebrows lines, or Marionette $530.........Eyebrows lifting/ Foxy eyes $800 "Limited Time Offer" (regular price $1000).
PDO Cog Threads for Face Lift or Neck Lift........"Limited Time Offer" $1300. (regular price $1500).
Inject-able BOTOX® Cosmetic $9/unit (minimum 20 units required)........CASH PAY
Weight Loss weekly injections (SEMAGLUTIDE) FDA approved for weight management (USA made) starting at $55 weekly.
Super B Complex Enhanced Weight Loss /Strong Immune Booster shots with Vit C + Antioxidant (Glutathione) & Zinc starting at ($30)...(USA made).
Microneedling Dark spots / Hyperpigmentation / Sun spots/Fade Wrinkles Treatment with a medically tested serum.......($250).
Facial Microdermabrasion including Oxygen Face Lift, LED light therapy, Collagen Activation & Hydration face mask.........($75).
Dermapen Microneedling Facial with Anti-aging serum, LED light facial therapy, Hydration face Mask, Oxygen face lift, and aftercare facial serum vial...........(120).
Advanced PRP= PRF (Vampire Facial) Acne Scar/ Wrinkles therapy ...($350)...facial Deep cleansing , facial light therapy & Anti-aging serum vial to take home for aftercare. (FACE $ 350 )
Medical graded Chemical Peel added to Microneedling facial session ....($140)........Amazing results for Acne & Scars therapy/ Fine lines & wrinkles/ shrink large skin pores.
Non-Surgical Skin-Tightening Face-Lift...($180).... Face & Neck lift ($270)......Upgrade to Red Carpet Facial for skin lightening ($299)...........BIG SALE
**** Acne & Acne/Scars Therapy*****Safe, Effective and virtually ZERO DOWN TIME.........Package of 4 Acne clearance sessions.....($450)......clear your Acne and stop scars from forming......"Amazing Results".
Small Area ..(Bikini line, upper lip, or chin)
Medium Area ........(Face, Front Neck or Underarms)
Large Area .............( Brazilian-Females only)
*10% Add On Service Fee On Electronic Transactions
This Offer not valid with any other offer / or cannot be combined with any other offer.
Daily Specials are CASH PAY.
Show your therapist you appreciate them by leaving a little extra. 20% gratuity is average for a tip.